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Trenčín County has established cooperation with local governments in the Podbradliany region

On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the death of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik, the Trenčín self-governing region concluded a symbolic memorandum on cooperation with the MR Štefánik Company, the towns of Brezová pod Bradlom and Myjavou, as well as the municipalities of Košariská and Priepasné.

By signing the memorandum, the parties undertook to cooperate in maintaining the memory and organizing commemorative events for Milan Rastislav Štefánik. They symbolically sealed their signature in Štefánik's birth house in Košarisky, on his desk. "The purpose of the memorandum is to preserve the legacy of MR Štefánik not only as a person, but also as a politician, soldier, traveler or diplomat. Our goal will be that people in these years will not forget the name of Štefánik, but especially his actions, which proved that the Slovak nation deserves its originality and is ready for it, " said the mayor Jaroslav Baška to sign the agreement.

As part of the memorial ceremony on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the general's death, a re-installed exhibition on the Greatest Slovak was opened in the MR Štefánik Museum in Košarisky. In addition to the reverential act of laying wreaths, a new info point was presented at the Štefánik Mound, embodying the missing background for visitors to the Bradlo complex. There was also a traditional regional setting of fire.

Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK

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