"When there was a well in the ruins of Beckov Castle, there was a terrible snake in it, which had large lumps on its sides. Whenever the dragon climbed out of the well, the walls under his body always shook. At noon he climbed the wall and basked in the sun. "
This is part of a legend that is associated with the castle well in Beckov. Based on it, a 6.5-meter statue of a dragon was made.
On Wednesday, February 26, the dragon set out from the carving workshop on a 400 km long journey. The next day, with the help of a 28-ton crane, he overcame the castle wall, which was almost 20 meters high. And according to legend, he settled again in the castle well. "We firmly believe that he will not snore like his predecessor, which was due to the displeasure of the inhabitants of the village of Beckov. They subsequently deprived him of his life. We believe that it will please not only the children's visitors of the castle, who will visit it in the coming years, "says the director of the castle Peter Pastier. The dragon's name is Blundus, and the name was coined by the castle's Facebook friends.
A novelty of this season is also a children's circuit, which, after the end of the restrictions caused by the global pandemic, can be tried out by playful adults. Wandering around the castle, we will reveal the stories of its real inhabitants from the Middle Ages. "Children will perform various tasks, which will gradually shape and present the story of their character. Each show will be a little different and also a character who will take them through the castle. Sometimes it can be a castle cook, other times a castle clerk or a court lady, "introduces the novelty Peter Pastier. Children and adults will enjoy the castle and see it from several angles and learn something new again. There is nothing left but to wait until the castle gates reopen.
photo: FB Beckov Castle
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