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High school students from Nové Mesto nad Váhom won first place in the TOP tourist destination competition

In November 2019, the Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Nové mesto nad Váhom won first place in a competition announced by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic entitled “Young Creator” in the category “TOP tourist destination of the region” for a project entitled “Čachtice - in the footsteps bloody countess ”. A six-minute video using a drone, which informs about the fundamental historical milestones of Čachtice, was shot by students of the regional tourism management department. They also achieved success in January at the international tourism exhibition ITF Slovakiatour in Bratislava and in February at the international tourism and regional tourism fair HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD PRAGUE 2020.

The school in Novo Mesto nad Váhom is known for its modern approach to study. It develops pupils' key competencies of the 21st century, supports creativity, initiative, independence and a close connection between theoretical training and practice. By involving individuals and teams in various competitions, workshops, Olympics or fairs, it is possible to develop the interest and initiative of the vast majority of them.

Accepting the call to develop an interesting and ambitious promotional project in tourism was therefore almost a matter of course. " The village of Čachtice has become our TOP tourist destination for several reasons. Čachtice Castle, surrounded by the legend of the bloodthirsty Countess Elisabeth Bátoriová, its mysterious underground, Dražkovič manor house together with the museum, where visitors will find exhibits depicting rich history, local culture and folk traditions, beautiful nature, hospitable people and last but not least, quality wine from nearby vine growers or traditional local cuisine, these were the factors that decided, ” said Dana Hradileková, the program's guarantor. The theme of the competition was "Sustainable product in tourism 2019".

They also succeeded at trade fairs in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

In addition to the video, students also created staging techniques that were part of the presentation. In period costumes, they studied a dramatic situation scene, which they then presented at trade fairs. Visitors could see them at the international tourism exhibition ITF Slovakiatour in Bratislava , where they represented the Ministry of Transport and Exhibitions of the Slovak Republic in the national stand. They also participated in the international fair of tourism and regional tourism HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD PRAGUE 2020 .

Almost the whole world presented itself at the fair in Prague. There were also national tourist centers of traditional European countries and distant destinations, such as the Americas, Asia or Africa. In such an exceptionally strong competition, they won 3rd place and a prize for Slovakia in the "Most Impressive Exposition" category. The awards were also received by the Trenčín self-governing region, which awarded the exhibition stand the TOP EXHIBIT prize .

The presentation of the project will continue. Already in April, it will become part of the program at the opening of the summer season at Čachtice Castle, and in May, students will participate in the REGION TOUR EXPO exhibition in Trenčín.

In Trenčín 3.3.2020

Author: MT

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