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Train Matúš Čák will end his successful first season this weekend

The red train "Matúš Čák" will end its successful first season this weekend. Sunday 3.10.2021 will be the definitive point for the summer traffic of this popular tourist attraction. Since May 2021, when the train took its first passengers, it has managed to carry more than 25,000 visitors around Trenčín.

Thanks to the train, tourists. but also the locals viewed the city center from a different perspective and without much effort also got to the more remote attractive places of Trenčín. Places such as Ostrov with a summer swimming pool, Brezina Forest Park, Čerešňový sad or the newly opened southern fortifications of Trenčín Castle have become more accessible.

If you did not have time to try out during the summer how comfortable it is to get to the castle, for example, then this weekend you have one last chance. Information on routes can be found HERE

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Address centrum
911 01 Trenčín


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