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On the emerging cycle route between Trenčín and Nemšová, they started paving the first kilometers

The construction of an international cycle route within the Na bicykli project is following in the footsteps of history every day. In addition to the asphalting of the first sections of the cycle route, the construction of structural layers, the installation of footbridges and work on the lighting of a part of the cycle route also continues.

To this day, work connected with the construction of structural layers in the part from the city of Trenčín to the bottom of the motorway has been carried out on the cycle route. The actual asphalting of the first kilometers began at the end of last week. "The first asphalt layer was laid on a section about 1.5 kilometers long. Asphalt cycling routes will continue in the coming days, depending on weather conditions. Last week, the construction contractor installed a footbridge over the Vlára River, and finishing work is currently underway on it, ”said Katarína Holá from the Regional Development Department of the Trenčín Self-Governing Region. This month, work will continue with the implementation of construction layers on the part of the cycle path that runs along the dam. Another footbridge over the Súčanka watercourse will also be installed.

The construction of the new cycle route is being implemented by the Trenčín self-governing region in cooperation with the town of Brumov-Bylnice as part of a joint cross-border project On a Bicycle in the Footsteps of History, which is co-financed by the Interreg VA SK-CZ operational program.

Text: TSK Communication Department

Photo: TSK

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