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Development of cycling in East Moravia and the Trenčín region

The regional tourism organization Trenčín region became the main cross-border partner of the East Moravian Tourism Center, ops, on the international project called "Development of cycling tourism in East Moravia and the Trenčín region".

Project name: Development of cycling tourism in East Moravia and the Trenčín region

Project number: CZ/FMP/6c/08/101

The main purpose of the project is to motivate visitors, but also local residents, to spend an active time in nature, learning about the cultural and natural heritage of the Zlín and Trenčín regions with the aim of supporting tourism. The goal is also to activate the public to move, spend time in nature and follow the eco trends of the present time, and at the same time increase the number of visitors to the cross-border region. The project "Development of cycling tourism in Eastern Moravia and the Trenčín region" emphasizes the prevention of the accumulation of visitors on congested cycling routes through the coordination of the movement of cycle tourists within the marked routes. The output of the project will provide visitors with a product offering cycle trips that will take them to less frequented cultural and touristic destinations.

The project partners will contribute their professional experience and knowledge to the implementation. All planned activities follow each other and complement each other. The project activities are divided as follows:

- Analysis of the territory

- Photo and video creation

- Product creation

- Marketing campaign

Project implementation schedule: 2.1. - 30.11.2022


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