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The ranking of popularity is dominated by the cycle route under Skalka

An average of 777 people are transported by it every day, during July alone almost 41 thousand people used it. cyclists. We are talking about a unique cycling route leading from Trenčín to Nemšová, which was created as part of the cross-border project Na bicykli in the footsteps of history.

"The census recorded a daily maximum on this cycle route at the end of June, it was almost 4,900 cyclists. In the first 7 months of this year, 144,722 cyclists were transported under Skalka, “said the cycling coordinator of the Trenčín self-governing region, Ondrej Repka. "In the first month since its official opening, more than 18,000 people used the third accessible section of the Vážská Cyklomagistrala, between Nový Mesto nad Váhom and Trenčín. cyclists, the daily average is around 637 cyclists and the busiest days are usually Sunday days, " added Repka.

It is interesting that the section of the Vážská cycle route between Púchov and Nosická dam is very popular with pedestrians. "During July, more than 16 thousand people were transported along this section. cyclists and passed almost 13 thousand. pedestrians. Since the beginning of the year, approximately 110,000 people have used the cycle route. cyclists and up to 64 thousand pedestrians, " revealed the cycling coordinator. "People use cycling routes not only for relaxation and sports, but also for commuting to work. I am pleased that in this way we all contribute together to the protection of the environment, " said the mayor of Trenčín, Jaroslav Baška.

Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK

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