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Successful year of Trenčianska tram

At the end of the year, Trenčín Electric Railroad (TREŽ) is closing its successful season, after which a famous historic tram is running on Trenčianska Teplá - Trenčianske Teplice.

Between Trenčianska Teplá and the spa town of Trenčianske Teplice there is a tram on the narrow-gauge railway, which celebrated its 107th anniversary this year. The favorite electric train keeps the operation and good condition of the non-profit organization TREŽ, which prepares, in addition to regular rides in the summer season, extraordinary thematic rides throughout the year.

The original, exclusively logistic, function with the purpose of transporting spa guests to Trenčianske Teplice has over time become a popular tourist attraction not only for spa guests, but also for domestic residents. This is evidenced by the data from the internal survey of the operator.

"We ended the summer weekend operation on September 4, 2016, and we can say that we transported 2,200 more people than last year, an increase of 50% over last year's operation, and we found that up to 95% of the 6,202 people handed over July and August were tourists and rail enthusiasts. The remaining 5% was made by passengers who used the summer operation as a connection with the spa town, "said Dušan Nosál , director of TREŽ, no

Successful and touristically attractive are also the nostalgic trains of the tram, which, on various occasions in 2016, have gone from the depot up to 10 times. The first ride in the year was traditionally the "Triple Ride" , which was attended by three sages - Gašpar, Melichar and Baltazar - to commemorate the important Christian holiday of the Three Kings. For hard-working schoolboys who were not afraid to boast of their half-yearly testimony, a free "Tram Trolley" was prepared. On the occasion of another important holiday such as Easter, visitors could attend the "Easter, fish ..." event ,   During which the folklore program was more pleasant. She was also celebrating with her jogging. She celebrated Children's Day and also her respectable 107th anniversary . November's ride was dedicated to an important Slovak personality. Writer, journalist, literary critic, and publicist Svetozar Hurban Vajansky attracted many passengers in the wagons, talking about their lives, activities and activities during their journey. At the same time he also invited the last nostalgic ride of the year - "Nicholas tram" .

Nicholas, the devil and the angels have attracted enormous numbers of people. The railway station in Trenčianske Teplice has changed to the "Hell Pitch" with burning rails and spreading laughter of devils. Eventually, however, Mikuláš came and gave the little visitors a pack of honeymoon trains.

Nicholas' ride was a nice point for the nostalgic rides, which this year took part in a record 7,045 people. Together with the summer races Trenčianska railway transported 13,247 persons . We believe they will be even more in the coming year.

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