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The dominance of Medieval Považia attracts the reconstructed castle tower

More than 800-year old historical dominance of the middle of Povazia attracts visitors to the reconstructed castle tower

Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) is one of the regions with the greatest historical wealth. There are up to eleven towers of historic castles and castles in its territory.
More than 800-year old historical dominance of the middle of Povazia attracts visitors to the reconstructed castle tower

Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) is one of the regions with the greatest historical wealth. There are up to eleven towers of historic castles and castles in its territory. The faces of many of them in the past have marked military disasters, fires and assaults on their occupation. Lednica Castle, lying in the middle of Považie, remained preserved, unmarked by the war or the hands of the conqueror. Finally, however, he also had to pay his tax, which he sought for the merciless tooth of time. The neglected owners gradually dilapidated. Decades of abandonment have resulted in its transformation from the original estate to ruin. He is returning life again. For twelve years, the Historical and Astronomical Society has been rebuilding its dignity and tourist attractiveness through gradual reconstruction and recovery.

Although the opening of the tourist season is already a traditional event at Lednice Castle, on Saturday, May 7, 2016, its history will be recorded as a significant milestone. In the presence of the general public and representatives of regional and municipal self-government, they have, for many years, made available a reconstructed castle tower with a view of the castle's brass. The tower has undergone archaeological research and extensive reconstruction. According to the model of the torsional architecture, the original walls and walls were tiled, while respecting the original medieval procedures. Each stone was manually laid and reinforced. The tower was originally built as one of the parts of the observation system of the castle, where the military crew followed the path leading to Moravia and the surrounding countryside. Although the fighting threats from the Middle Ages have already passed, the panoramic views of the natural scenery of the tower continue to offer.

We appreciate what we have at home

The celebration of the band, which symbolically opened the castle gates for this year's tourists, was also attended by TSK chairman Jaroslav Baška. "I would like to say from the position of the Trenčiansky župan that the TSK is trying to support such activities, whose task is to preserve and revive the castles in our region," the robe said to the first official visitors of the castle this season. Petra Martiniska, chairman of the Historical and Astronomical Society, handed over a symbolic financial check, which TSK supported the castle's reconstruction and upcoming events for visitors. "I want to thank all the people and volunteers who have been reconstructing this castle for more than 12 years. Over the past two years, they have been able to reconstruct the castle tower. The castle belongs to the heritage and history of our region, so I am very glad that TSK could also contribute to its renewal for future generations. I look forward to the fact that Lednice Castle once again fits into offer for tourists from Slovakia and abroad. TSK supports such activities because we are proud to be the region of castles and chateaux, "added Baska bathrobe.

The unlocking of the castle gate would not be possible without the presence of the mayor of Lednica village Kamila Karas. "The castle is the dominant of Lednice in every respect. Anyone who comes to us can see him immediately. The castle has changed in recent years, even at first glance. Whether trees have been cut that have disrupted its statics, but also that new walls are being built. It is obvious that the castle is working and he literally grows, "said the current mayor of the village, whose side was also former mayor Milan Barka. The entry of the castle into the summer season was also supported by the director of the regional tourism organization Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská.

The exact dozen years of reconstruction works could not leave the castle as a positive sign. "We've put in a bastion to keep the visitors out of harm. We managed to repair part of the western palace, a part of the wall opposite the tunnel entering the castle, and we have a fully preserved castle tower, "said the chairman of the Historical-Astronomical Society and also the director of the Trenčín Museum in Trencin Peter Martinisko. He added that 10 to 15 volunteers alternate in the playground during the work, helping 12 employees in the work. Nowadays visitors can visit the castle bastion, there is also a view of Straka, a residential tower and part of the eastern palace. Reconstruction works for this year are planned exclusively in the western part of the historical jewel of the region.

Veronika Rezáková / 07 May 2016 ⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥

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