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Castles in the Trenčín region await a rich season

Castles in the Trenčín region become a popular destination for trips during the summer months, which is why they try to prepare a season full of news for visitors every year. After an uncertain year, the castle administrators decided to enjoy the summer to the fullest with their visitors. The improvement of castles, the opening up of new reconstructed premises, innovations, but also a number of interesting events, are a common feature of most castles and castle collapse in the Trenčín region.

Fairy-tale and haunted Bojnice Castle

Who wouldn't visit one of the most beautiful castles in Slovakia at least once during the summer? Petra Gorgíková , the PR manager of the Slovak National Museum (SNM) - Bojnice Museum Petra, prepared several new features for visitors, so that even repeated visits to this iconic place will prepare visitors: about the multimedia guide. Pálfi's circuit represents the personality of Count Ján Pálfi and at the same time brings the best of the period's aristocratic living. As part of the Huňady Circuit, visitors will experience the romanticized story of the Middle Ages and meet three generations of interesting men. "

Gordíková added that they did not forget even the smallest visitors in the program. During the summer, Bojnice Castle awaits the children like from a fairy tale. Every holiday Wednesday , an engaging fairy tale will be prepared for them in the Huňady Hall. The King's story, Lucia's story, Dragon's story or Šašo and ghosts are sure to captivate every child viewer. The theatrical experience is not just for children. In July, August and September, legends will come to life again in Bojnice. There will also be popular night tours of the castle - In the tangle of ancient roads, the Sign of the Raven and the Living Statues will tell their mysterious stories.

Medieval Trenčín Castle

The season at Trenčín Castle will be in the true medieval spirit. Swordsmen, archers, falconers and period camps complete the historic atmosphere of the castle. Visitors will enjoy it during the Fencing Weekend on the last weekend of June. July at the castle starts really unconventionally. "The Head to Head Fight event will be the most interactive event of the season . It will involve visitors of all ages in the story. The children will experience recruiting into the royal army, the gentlemen will create a gable wall and the ladies will learn period dances. A demonstration of fencing techniques and firearms will certainly be of interest, “said Patrik Kucej from the Marketing and Communications Department of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín.

On July 3, the evening performance of the Radošinský Naive Theater with the play Mr. Tree, which will take place in the open air in the castle amphitheater, will bring a completely different, unique atmosphere. The night shows with the theme "Cursed Lord", which will take place on July 22-23, are definitely worth noting in the calendar. and 12.-13.8.2022 and on the same August weekend also Matúš's popular castle festivities .

An attractive novelty will also be the unique exhibition "Bride of the Past" , which will present a collection of historic wedding dresses from July to mid-September.

Beckov Castle full of experiences

"Since the official opening of the season, Beckov Castle has been bringing events every weekend. It will not be different during the summer, but we are also preparing "pulls" for the summer, which are definitely worth mentioning. Assassini will once again bring a full acrobatics performance with a mysterious story to Beckov . The Slavs at the castle will draw visitors to the times of Great Moravia, and during Dragon's Weekend we will look at the tooth of the famous dragon Blundus as part of a theatrical tour of the castle. Another bar will be the Beer Festival , which will offer a golden treasure of domestic breweries and also a novelty - castle beer. A separate chapter is the Night of Mysterious Lights - an unconventional night show told by the castle, "said director Peter Pastier.

He also informed about the unique summer cinema at the castle , which will screen the film with an exceptional atmosphere in 4 summer terms.

As visiting the castle is not just about events, there will also be exhibitions focusing on archeological finds, castle owners and period cuisine with occasional tastings. Beckov Castle also draws the attention of visitors to the new building, which is the cellar of the northern palace and the first, completely closed building, the castle chapel.

Lady of Čachtice at the castle

Even the castle of the bloody count does not owe its reputation anything. The biggest event at Čachtice Castle will be the official opening of the summer season , which will take place on June 18. During this day, a rich program awaits visitors, in which the Authentic Hungarian Renaissance - Fringia - in an engaging way and at the same time authentically presents the life of Alžbeta Báthora. Entertainment and historical knowledge will be brought to children at the castle by the Zábavka Theater with a play adapted to the theme of Čachtice Castle and its ruler, entitled “Laughter is the best medicine. How he saved the kingdom. "

Lovers of haunting stories and frosty atmospheres should definitely remember the date of July 23, when the unique premiere of the Slovenská ducharina project with the thrilling story "In the footsteps of Báthoryčka" will take place in the legendary spaces. A slightly different, pleasant atmosphere of the 15th century will be brought to the castle by a dance group of Renaissance dances - Féder Teáther.

In addition to interesting events, tourists will find new craft stalls and a renovated wall. Reconstructions will continue and the restoration of the castle core and the south-eastern wall of the palace awaits the restoration.

Uhrovec also offers accommodation

Have you slept in the castle yet? In Uhrovec, you can have such an experience, not only for adults, but also for children. At the turn of July and August, a 10-day volunteer archeological camp will take place. But if you want a one-night experience, you can sleep in the new premises of the renovated farm building, which serves as a tourist shelter. Visitors will certainly enjoy the renovated tourist facilities with souvenirs or refreshments. The end of summer at the castle will bring another night experience, but this time in the form of the Night at Uhrovec Castle with an unusually lit castle, a knight's camp and guided tours.

For those whose goal of the trip to the castle is not only tourism or cultural experience, but they are more interested in saving the castle ruins, the castle will organize workshops focused on traditional craftsmanship needed for the sensitive restoration of cultural monuments.

News at Považský Castle, Lednice and Tematín

Breathtaking views of the surroundings will once again come to visitors to Lednice Castle. From mid-June, the view of the rock cliff will be available here again . Lednice, as well as Považský Castle , will not miss the nationwide project - Night of the Castle Ruins and on August 20 will prepare an interesting evening program for visitors.

Mojmír Choma, the castle's castellan, informed about the news at Tematín Castle: “Our pride will be a new staircase for this year, which will be installed in the tower part of the northern palace. There will be a relaxation area with a shadow for tourists. An important investment will also be to cover the exhibition space and modify the courtyard, which will be suitable for organizing cultural events in the future. "

Forms of castles in the past

Wondering what the castle ruins looked like in the past? The regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region took care of a unique, common novelty for castles . "In cooperation with experts, we have installed transparent graphic panels on the castles of Beckov, Čachtice, Tematín, Lednice and Trenčín Castle, in places with an ideal view, on which historical drawings complete the missing parts of the castles. The tourist thus gets a picture of the original contours of the majestic castle walls with a single glance through the glass panel, " described the new attractiveness of the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská.

PG, Trenčín, 16.5.2022

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