Nové mesto nad Váhom


slightly cloudy

43. New Town Fair

22. 09. 2023 - 24. 09. 2023

A unique fair atmosphere that can hardly be compared with anything else, that is the Novemestský marok with a long tradition.

Although the essence of fairs has always consisted in trading - selling and buying, it was also a place of direct human communication, bringing people together, but also a source of entertainment and cultural experiences. And that's exactly what the 43rd year of the fair in Nové mesto nad Váhom is like.

More information about the event can be found HERE

Date nad time

Friday 22. September 2023 -
Sunday 24. September 2023
in Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Námestie slobody
915 01 Nové mesto nad Váhom

43. Novomestský jarmok


Address Námestie slobody
915 01 Nové mesto nad Váhom


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