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heavy rain

It was exhibited ecologically at ITF Slovakiatour 2020

The regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region was presented at the largest tourism fair in Slovakia and one of the most important fairs in Central Europe ITF Slovakiatour 2020, which takes place on 23-26 January 2020. The traditional cross-section of news and information about the dominants of the Trenčín Region was supplemented by a new ecological exposition.

The graphic design of the new exhibition was made by Laura Laššová, Zdenka Manenová and Roman Ondráš, students of the School of Arts and Crafts in Trenčín. " Each of us came up with one proposal and then we put them together and combined them. This is our first project, which has been transformed from a graphic design into reality. The real visual corresponded to the graphic one, we are looking forward to the stand and we have nothing to complain about. ” students expressed their opinion.

Trenčín region is EKO

The ecological lifestyle has become a phenomenon that has a positive effect on public spaces, schools, various facilities, but also households themselves. This was also the reason why KOCR Trenčín region decided to go the "green way". " This year, we have chosen an ecological exhibition, which is largely made up of wood, stone and plants, ie natural materials. On this occasion, our new brochure EKO má zelené in the Trenčín Region was created, in which the public reads about 27 implemented eco-projects in the Trenčín Region, ” said Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region.

The projects were partially financed through the Green Eyes grant program, which falls under the Green County, Trenčín Self-Governing Region. " We believe that the brochure can be inspiring not only for other users and the general public, but also for other regions that will also want to participate in an ecological lifestyle with greater determination and commitment," added the chairman of KOCR Trenčín region Juraj Gerlice.

KOCR Trenčín region wants to continue its ecological tendency by installing other ecological benches, which serve as an invitation for residents to visit the landmarks in the area.

A program full of fun and taste

During the 4 days of the fair, representatives of the town of Púchov and member regional tourism organizations (OOCR) will present tastings of regional specialties such as pâtés and cheeses from Horný Považie, spa wafers from Trenčianske Teplice or African catfish spreads from the Fish Farm in Handlová.

The KOCR Trenčín region presentation stand was opened by majorettes with their attractive show presented by CVČ Včielka from Púchov. The diversity of the program was provided by the fujarist Martin Rosina from the Váh Folklore Ensemble, also from Púchov, and a demonstration of predators performed by the falconry group Aquila from Bojnice. A novelty is also the presentation of the new video OOCR Trenčianske Teplice, which visitors can see for the first time at ITF Slovakiatour 2020.

The ecological visual attracted the attention of the public, which gladly stopped and found out new information about tips for a trip in the Trenčín region. A favorite point was the natural swing, which became a popular place for many photos. Finally, the rector of the University of Trenčín, Jozef Habánik, praised the modern visual: I am very glad that the stand is in the spirit of the Green County and green projects, as climate change is really the one we are currently facing. I believe that the individual OOCRs will gradually set out in an ecological way, so that we can promote the Trenčín Region as one of the most beautiful and ecological in Slovakia. ”

Text: MT

In Trenčín, 24.1.2020

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