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Nominate a TOP GASTRO facility from the Trenčín Region

For the fourth time, the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region has decided to organize a popular and successful competition called TOP GASTRO 2020. From Sunday, November 1, 2020, the public can nominate the best restaurant, bistro, cafe, tea house or bar in the Trenčín region. The winner will be decided by the highest number of votes on the basis of voting, which will take place from 1.12.2020 and will last until the end of the year.

The competition was created in order to motivate gastronomic facilities in the Trenčín region in the constant advancement and improvement of the quality of the offered assortment and services. Every year, the most popular establishments are involved in the competition, which often shape the trend in the regional gastronomic world. "Last year, 46 facilities were nominated for the TOP GASTRO 2019 competition. The winner was the sought-after Velice ice cream parlor in Nová Dubnica with 243 votes. We believe that even in the current complicated times, people will show favor and support to their favorite establishments by nomination and subsequent voting, "said Juraj Gerlice , chairman of KOCR Trenčín region.

All those who nominate or vote for their favorite restaurant or cafe are automatically involved in the draw for a valuable package from the competition announcer. The results will be published in January 2021 on the website www.trencinregion.sk and on social networks.


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