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Autumn photo competition has winners

From 23.9.2018 to 23.11.2018, the lay and professional photographers from wide range had the opportunity to participate in the autumn photo competition "Trenčiansky kraj hraje farbami", announced by the regional organization of tourism (KOCR) Trenčín region.

On Tuesday, December 4, 2018, a professional commission consisting of professional photographers Radovan Stoklas - a successful photo reporter, Barbora Varga-Petrikova - director of the MA Bazovského Art Gallery in Trenčín and Eduard Genserek - the current holder of the Slovak Press Photo Award, met at the KOCR Trenčín Region collectively selected winning photos. The jury looked at several factors affecting the quality of the photo. The first selection was made by the public, as the first 10 photos with the highest number of votes were taken shortly.

It was on this very matter that the Commission appealed and decided to evaluate three more photographers. The reason was the high artistic value, the excellent composition, the mood of photography or the overall professionalism, but which was not sufficiently supported by public voices.

"We appreciate that people are making the effort to vote for their favorite every day, but given that we have found several visually interesting pictures from the artistic point of view, we insisted that we also evaluate those who did not have enough votes progress to the first tens, " said Eduard Genserek .

From the shortlist of 10 images that receive the most votes from the general public received first place Veronika Kadlecová for the photo titled "Sunset and ballooning" that can look forward to sports camera Discovery Adventures HD 720P 360 degrees. In second place was Thomas Mikula and his photo "The Sunset over Vršateckými branymi", he wins the wellness + dinner for two people at the Elizabeth Hotel in Trenčín. The third winner was Terézia Bieliková and her "Pavučina", who will take a voucher on the evening for two people at the Hotel under the Castle in Bojnice. The jury subsequently appreciated the special prize - valuable publications - three other photographers, namely Andre Cagal and "Lost Highway - mountain pass Machnac in autumn colors"   (1st place), Ľubomír Drápala for the photo "Z Manín I"   (2nd place) and Filip Mičund for "Autumn in the Village" (3rd place).

The competition's photos supported a total of 2020 voters who voted automatically in the draw for 3 valuable packages from the Black Sabbath in Dubnica nad Váhom. Generally, three winners were randomly selected through the generator. The whole evaluation process can be seen on a video that was posted on the facebook fanpage of Trenčín region.

The decision of the jury to add three more places assessed from a qualitative point of view was also approved by the Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská : "In the opinion of the jury, we decided to adjust the conditions for further photos, which will be anchored in the statute so that all the photos, will make a jury of all the logged-in pictures. "

A total of 249 photos from 119 photographers were submitted to the autumn photo competition "Trenčiansky region playing colors". The pictures capture the beautiful natural sites dipped in the autumn mist or colorful decoration that underline the beauty of the Trenčian region. All photos have a chance to contribute to the promotion of the tourist attractions of the Trenčín region and can be used on the KOCR Trenčín region's website, in the "Trenčín region" two-month period, printed promotional materials, publications or PR articles.

In Trenčín, December 6, 2018

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