23. 09. 2017 - 24. 09. 2017
Date nad time
Saturday 23. September 2017 -
Sunday 24. September 2017
in Saturday, Sunday
Beckov castle
Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov
The Beckov Castle Courts will again decorate the various light-noses.
We invite you to a merry puppet festival designed not only for children but also for adults. Throughout the weekend, visitors will be waiting for a lot of ready-to-go outfits. Of course, the tools needed for cutting will also be missing. Getting a good idea is just a good idea for a jolly or spooky lightlon, which will decorate the castle courtyard in the evening. In addition to the tearing of tekken, a rich program is also available for the visitors, featuring the fencers, the knight's tournament takes place on the princess's hand, will compete in the cutting of pumpkins and many others. For more information on the event, please visit:
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Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov