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Residents of the region again visited the Teplice pools as part of the popular event "Spa in the region"

For the eighth time, the Trenčianske Teplice Spa evaluated the success of the popular "Spa in the Region" project, in which residents of the Trenčín region could use up to a 50% discount on admission to thermal pools during the winter.

"I can only say that the eighth year of the already successfully established Spa in the Region event found a positive response among the inhabitants of the region and thus contributed to their healthy rest in our spa," says Andrej Puček, Director of Sales and Marketing.

"Spa in the region" is a successful project that connects the company Kúpele Trenčianske Teplice, as with towns and villages in the region. This year, a record 76 towns and municipalities of the Trenčín Region took part, which is an increase of 10 municipalities compared to last year .

The increase in the number of participating towns and villages is also related to the record number of visitors, which confirmed the continuing growing interest in entering our pools. During the event, 12,701 entries to the pools were purchased, which is 624 more than last year .

Spa Trenčianske Teplice, one of the oldest spas in Slovakia, is constantly working to best meet the growing demands of its visitors. In recent years, they have successfully implemented several investment projects to improve the comfort and atmosphere of a real spa rest for their visitors.

Source: Spa Trenčianske Teplice, as

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