


-ová - exhibition

23. 04. 2021 - 18. 07. 2021

Date nad time

Friday 23. April 2021 -
Sunday 18. July 2021, every day


Gallery of Miloš Alexandr Bazovský in Trenčín
Palackého 27
911 01 Trenčín

-ová - výstava
-ová - výstava

-ová - exhibition

Jarmila Čihánková, Viera Kraicová, Anastázia Miertušová, Naďa Rappensbergerová-Jankovičová, Agnesa Sigetová, Irena Tarasová, Blanka Votavová - these women are connected by an exhibition, which you can also see in the Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín from April 23, 2021 to 18 July 2021.

Inequalities are often hidden in details, stereotypes and hierarchies. The exhibition about illustrators provokes, peels off the deposits of the time and asks what space women in art were given.

The works, which are at the top of the illustrative world of the 60s - 70s of the 20th century, are not only framed and hung on the walls, but we also examine how good, how good the authors must have been in order to win the position of everyone. it was clear that they were not just a decoration, an ornament, the suffix "-ová", which does not stand alone, but is always glued to someone.

You are all cordially invited!

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Address Palackého 27
911 01 Trenčín


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