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International Art and Literary Symposium ORA ET ARS - SKALKA 2016

Since June 20, Malá and Veľká Skalka have lived in the arts and literary arts. The oldest pilgrimage site in Slovakia - the ancient Skalka in Trenčín, was welcomed again this year by artists - participants of the 9th year of the international art and literary symposium ORA ET ARS SKALKA 2016. From 20th to 26th June 2016, in the area of ​​Malá and Veľká Skalka, 15 artists from Slovakia, Spain and Poland. The symposium brings with it several accompanying events. On Thursday, 23 June, the Cultural and Historical Seminar "Window not only to Archeology" will take place at the Michalská Rešek Public Library in Trenčín, on the Hasičska Street. At the end of the week of 25 June, works of art will be created with the participation of the authors presented at the premises of the Diocesan Sanctuary, Andreja-Svorada and Beňadika in Malá Skalka. A ceremonial opening is also being prepared, which will take place on the 16th of July at 3 pm in the Monastery of Veľká Skalka. Selected works from the symposium will be 19.7. - 7.9.2016 exhibited in Trenčianská Městská věž.

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