07. 08. 2022
20:00 - 22:00
Date nad time
Sunday 07. August 2022
20:00 - 22:00
Kursalon Trencianske Teplice
Ulica 17. novembra 32
91451 Trenčianske Teplice
The well-known Slovak singer, pianist and composer Mária Čírová is coming to Kursalon to bring her unique repertoire again in an incredibly sensitive and authentic performance.
Enjoy an evening full of songs, which are sometimes a deep intimate statement about various life situations, people, difficult and happy moments. They hide stories that left strong impressions and memories in her, where every single sentence has a hidden meaning and depth. In her rich discography, for example, the songs Unique, Búrka, Na dosach, Bez obáv, Chýbaš, Be There, Kto vie or the Czech hit Vloupám se stand out. Mária is able to empathize with the soul of the audience, to whom she addresses her songs, and thus create a strong connection with the people at the concert. Don't miss this experience. The concert will take place as part of the Trenčianske Teplice Musical Summer festival on Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 8 p.m. at the Kursalone in Trenčianske Teplice.
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Ulica 17. novembra 32
91451 Trenčianske Teplice