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The Hungarian royal crown returned to Trenčín after 400 years

After 400 years, the Hungarian royal crown returned to Trenčín. In the form of a true copy of the original, you can see it too!

In 1622, the inconspicuous house on Mierovo náměstí was the best guarded building in Hungary, and there was a rare coronation jewel. On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the stay of the Hungarian royal crown in Trenčín, the masters of the Jewelery House Mikuš Diamonds decided to create a faithful copy of it.

A faithful copy of the Hungarian royal crown was made under the auspices of jeweler Augustín Hôrka and worked with the best on the crown for more than 1,000 hours. "There are 362 hand-made real pearls and 98 custom-cut gems on the crown. The detail, which underlines the uniqueness of this work, is hand-painted pictures of saints and other figures. masters, who worked on the original in the 11th century, "said Martin Mikuš, director of the jewelry house.

If you are attracted by the view of the coronation jewel worn by more than 50 Hungarian rulers, including Maria Theresa, you will have the opportunity from July 1, 2022, when it will be made available in the underground spaces of the jeweler's house on Mierovo náměstí in Trenčín. In mid-July, the crown will visit Trenčín Castle.

You can find the production process or more detailed information about the crown HERE

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