Over the past weekend, traditional fašiang celebrations took place in several towns and villages. Those Trenčiansko-Teplice were carried in a special ecological spirit. Drinks were served in stylish cups.
On Saturday, February 26, 2017, the spa square of Trenčianske Teplice was full of spicy, scent of slaughtering specialties and folk music tones. As every year, this was not an exception, and the city prepared a traditional Fasian program for the public, as well as a few novelties. In addition to tasty food and folklore, he did not miss a mask tour that climbed to the town square.
"For visitors, 400 portions of a faish menu that was successfully sold out were prepared. This year, we have prepared two novelties: selling beverages in back cups and taking pictures in Funface, " TIK Trenčianske Teplice, marketing manager Martin Jurikovič said. "From 280 porcelain cups, 82 pieces, for a deposit fee of 3 euros, visitors took off as a souvenir," added Jurikovic.
Fasiang's Saturday in Trenčianske Teplice offered a rich cultural program. The Folklore ensemble Liborčan, the ensemble Kysucká ozvena and the Lieskovaná brass music took care of the folk nudity. Traditions and customs did not take place without culinary good. People could enjoy sausages, jerks, snacks or try sweet cones with tea or boiled wine.
Source: TIK Trenčianske Teplice
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