On Tuesday, January 12, we commemorated the anniversary of the death of Ľudovít Štúr, a native of the picturesque village of Uhrovec.
Štúr died tragically on January 12, 1856 as a result of an unfortunate gunshot wound. A symbolic reminder of Štúr's legacy is, among other things, his bust in the lobby of the county office in Trenčín, which bears the manuscript of the regional sculptor Dominic Monček of Prussia. Trenčín County also takes care of another rarity associated with the life of this nationalist. Birth house Ľ. Štúra and A. Dubček in Uhrovec is one of the eight branches of the Trenčín Museum, which the county is setting up. The life story and thoughts of this personality of our history have inspired many of his followers.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK
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