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The 77th edition of the Summer of Music is coming to Trenčianske Teplice

The summer in Trenčianske Teplice will again be full of familiar faces! The 77th annual Summer of Music festival will bring 9 events to the spa town, featuring Lenka Filipová, MODUS, SĽUK, Sima Magušinová and others.

The summer of music has been associated with Trenčín Teplice for more than 80 years. The festival was held for the first time in 1937 and has undergone a significant change in concept since its premiere. "We try to offer visitors a wide range of genres to make their summer as varied as possible. In addition to serious music, the event brings a touch of jazz, swing, pop, gospel and folk to the spa town, and this year there will be a theater comedy popular with the audience as well", says the production manager of the event, Zuzana Danechová.

The festival will be officially opened by the world-famous musical work of CARMIN BURANO , performed by the Choir of the City of Bratislava, which, under the direction of conductor Adrian Kokoš, is collecting awards at home and abroad. The stage cantata CARMINA BURANO, full of energy, emotions and drama by Carl Orff, is proof that even people in the Middle Ages knew how to live passionately. Visitors can look forward to the extremely emotional and dramatic opening part of O, Fortuna, known from worldwide commercials and films.

The July program of the Musical Summer will continue with hits such as Prý se tom láska, Zamilována or Za vště moe čas, as the popular Czech singer Lenka Filipová and her guests will visit the Kursalon. The pop-opera trio Gioia will present their new album called DOLCE VITA – Sweet Life. After two years of working with a new colleague, the young talented singer Martin Vetrák, they are coming up with a new album, and as its title suggests, with changes came new, better times. The guest of the evening, Vanessa Šarközi, will also be welcomed on stage. The July line-up will be closed by a Modus concert. Visitors can look forward to the new energy that Modus' old line-up will bring to immortal hits such as Úsmev, Sklíčka, Đáčatá or Veľký dream of the sea.

August will belong to swing, pop songs, dance and folklore traditions, but also to perfect acting performances and young talents. FATS JAZZ BAND will transport the guests to the times of nobility, elegant gowns and hot parties. The best pieces from the repertoire of this top 9-member orchestra will be carried on the waves of swing, which will be complemented by tangos and foxtrots from our, then still Czechoslovakian waters. You will be able to hear songs played and sung by such legends as Louis Armstrong and Benny Goodman in the 1920s and 1950s.

Enthusiasts of folklore traditions and colorful costumes will enjoy themselves thanks to the music and dance performance of the SĽUK troupe. The professional artistic body will present itself with its series entitled Selection from the work "Slovakia, which includes a diverse mosaic of folk dances and songs performed by a professional dance troupe, folk music and a female singing group. The concerts will be complemented by the theater comedy Will you play my husband? Or a painter of rooms . Love plots, dynamic tension and colorful humor underline the excellent performances of Zdena Studenková, Zuzana Fialová and Roman Poláčik / in alternations by Juraj Loj. The end of August will belong to the charismatic singer Sima Magušinová . born Martausová and her hits such as Irreplaceable, The Charm of Ordinary Things and Just Love You.

We will end the summer full of cultural experiences on September 10 with a performance by the Children's and Girls' Choir of the Slovak Radio . The choir, full of young talents, is celebrating its 70th anniversary and during its many years of activity played a significant role in building cultural awareness in Slovakia.

Tickets for the events can be purchased online at www.ticketportal.sk, in the Infocenter of the spa hotel PAX or directly on the spot before each show in Kursalone Trenčianske Teplice. The event is realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic.


The Summer of Music Festival was first held in 1937 and its character changed with the changing regime from the First Republic through the war period and the socialist era until today. The year before last, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the tradition of the event was interrupted for the first time in over 50 years. In the past, the festival did not take place, for example, in the years 1945-1946, 1951-1956 and in 1964. With its history, tradition and quality, it grew to a regional dimension and became a part of Slovak musical culture. The festival was regularly a place where premieres of works by Slovak composers were presented. In 2009, for example, it was the premiere of composer Iľja Zeljenko, in 2010 of Marián Lejava. The event also regularly hosted foreign performers. Also thanks to the support of the Slovak Ministry of Culture, the historical and artistically valuable tradition of this festival has been preserved, which has become an integral part of the spa town and an enrichment of the cultural life of the town and the entire region. Currently, the Summer of Music is considered the oldest classical music festival in Central Europe.


Trenčianske Teplice was first mentioned as a spa in the 13th century. The city charms with many attractions - a unique forest park, a dressing room in the Moorish style, an international film festival, a drinking spring with thermal water, a swimming pool built directly into the rock, the oldest chamber music festival in Central Europe, a viewpoint with a white deer, an outdoor swimming pool right on the square, a small cinema with atypical dimensions. Trenčianske Teplice has its unique charm. Those who have not visited them cannot imagine it.

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