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KOCR Trenčín region will become part of SMART promotion of Slovakia

On Wednesday, February 8, 2017 representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic (MDW SR) organized a meeting with representatives of the institutions responsible for the development of tourism in the Trenčín Region. The representatives of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region, the Trenčín Autonomous Region and the Regional Tourism Organization of the Horné Považie Region were invited to a meeting aimed at introducing the SMART Tourism Promotion Project of Slovakia.

Representatives of the MDR SR have attracted the participants and the benefits of the new project, which aims to make it easier for tourists to learn about Slovakia. Tourism organizations will offer the opportunity to be part of a unified web portal that will present Slovakia as an interesting tourist destination using state-of-the-art technologies and marketing tools.

Planning holidays, choosing accommodation or making your stay more attractive with a variety of discounts and discounts. All these benefits to the traveler will bring a comprehensive website, a mobile application and a tourist card as part of the SMART Slovakia promotion project. "The National Tourist System of the Slovak Republic (NTS) consists of a web portal. The visitor will be able to choose an area that will attract him and will get important information about trips, places, sports in a particular location. Everything on one portal. The institutions have the opportunity to inform and communicate with potential customers more easily or to obtain comprehensive statistical outputs " , Lukas Bednár , Business Director of the information and marketing company MVI , presented the essence of the project.

Tourism organizations will be able to implement the existing web portal of the destination into the national portal and present themselves under the "own brand". By co-operating, organizations also get marketing support or help with creating ad campaigns. "I am very glad that such a project is being prepared. We are a young organization that is currently engaged in creating a comprehensive and transparent web portal for tourists and online marketing. We are therefore open to cooperation and this opportunity to appeal to tourists is very positive, "said KOCR President Trencin Juraj Gerlici .

The project for the creation of the National Tourist System of the Slovak Republic is implemented by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic on the basis of the concept of promoting tourism promotion in order to ensure Slovak professional presentation in the field of tourism. Part of the project is the implementation of existing websites of tourism organizations on the single portal slovakia.travel, the delivery of a mobile application and a national tourist card, which will provide tourists with a number of discounts and benefits.

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