Every year, castles in the Trenčín region prepare an up-to-date program for their visitors, which includes popular and recurring events, exhibitions, special shows, but also completely new products. Beckov Castle also went through this creative activity. For 2020, they have created a rich calendar of events and exhibitions, thanks to which a visit to the monument will be supplemented by another accompanying program or curiosity almost throughout the year.
Thanks to the favorable weather, the opening of the castle is planned from Monday 24 February to 28 February 2020, ie during the spring holidays. In March, the castle will always be open on weekend days from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
A dragon settled in the castle
In addition to traditional events, visitors can also look forward to news. One of them is an event that is unusual in the history of Beckov Castle. A dragon more than 6.5 meters long settled in the castle. Based on the legend that is associated with the castle well, a statue of a dragon was made for the outdoor exhibition. Visitors are currently choosing a name for a dragon via a social network. The dragon moves to the castle fortifications on February 26, 2020. "Subsequently, on Thursday, February 27, 2020, with the help of a 28-ton crane, the dragon will cross the almost 20-meter-high castle wall to settle in our castle well, as legend has it. We firmly believe that he will not snore like his predecessor, which was due to the displeasure of the inhabitants of the village of Beckov, " added Peter Pastier, director of the Beckov Castle Association.
In addition, visitors can look forward to access to the cellars of the most magnificent North Palace.
This year, after seven years of operation, however, there will be no Tournament in traditional archery for the cup of Duke Ctibor. Instead, the program again includes the Days of Blacksmith Masters, which had a one-year break. Visitors can also look forward to a wider choice of evening programs such as an evening cinema, theater performances and a new format of popular night tours of the castle. In addition, various music artists and groups will be part of the program structure.
Children will enjoy the new circuit
A complete novelty is the children's circuit, which even playful adults will be able to try. Based on a journey through the castle with a story, you will be revealed the stories of real inhabitants of the castle from the Middle Ages. Children will perform various tasks, which will gradually shape and present the story of their character. Thanks to the variability in decision-making, however, each visit to the castle and the tour will be completely different, so visitors will not get tired of even a visit again. Once their castle can be taken over by the castle chef, other times by the castle clerk or the court lady. Children, as well as adults, will enjoy the castle and see it from several perspectives, learn new attractions and at the same time enjoy a hill of unique entertainment.
You can see the exact cultural program for 2020 in the gallery.
In Trenčín 24.2.2020
Text author: MT
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