Due to the large share of the grasslands, Slovakia is the country's typical sheep farm and the production of food and textiles related to it. Increasing consumption and demand for honest sheep's products have been trying for eight years by the Bačova cesta civic association.
Bač's path attracts the tasty food, the old stuff and the fun
Due to the large share of the grasslands, Slovakia is the country's typical sheep farm and the production of food and textiles related to it. Increasing consumption and demand for honest sheep's products have been trying for eight years by the Bačova cesta civic association. Every year, in Slovak huts, it organizes the opening of the season, during which the general public can see for themselves and the senses the quality of traditional specialties such as bryndza halušky, fresh cheeses and meat. The swamp club stretches from Považia to Liptov. Bač's trip this year, like the past, leads through several hills. In addition to the shepherd in Pružina, he invites also to Papradna, the Gazdovský dvůr in Turčianske Kľačany, Liptov pension Gejdák near Ružomberok, Liptovská Lužná chalet, Pastierska chateau to Bobrovecká dolina and the museum of Liptov museum in Pribylina.
Overcrowding is not just about gastronomy. It's folklore, it's architecture, it's both traditions and customs
The Bačova path has a 4-year tradition in Susina. And since the bryndza allegedly tastes the best in May, the opening of the spring season took place on Saturday, May 7, 2016, on Saturday, May 7, 2016. It was held in the presence of the mayor of Kostarika and also deputy of the Assembly of the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK) Karol Janas, Bystrica Igora Steiner, Mayor of the village of Pružina Michal Uhelik, President of the OZ Bačova cesta Ľudovít Urbanovský and Chairman of the Association of goat and sheep breeders Igor Nemčok. "I am looking forward to the fact that chivalry is experiencing the Renaissance and people have once again found their way to what is ours, domestic, typical Slovak. Ovary products are really great. Therefore, I believe that the victory in Slovakia will remain and will win, "said Mayor Janas in the introductory statement, and he also welcomed the guests in the name of TSK chairman Jaroslav Bašek.
In addition to the gastronomic experience, the opening of the season at the chalet in spring provided a varied cultural program and several accompanying activities for children and adults. She has, for example, Folk music Bukovina z Brvist, Folklore group Limbor of Prečín, children from the Spring, about bryndza revealed something more Karol Herián, did not miss a show of production of bryndza connected with its tasting, competitions in drawing natural materials for children, veteran cars and puppet theater, Horse riding or a sample of weaving. The offer included barbecue goulash, bryndza halušky, cheese, palacinky, poppy poppies and many more pleasures for taste buds. "Our devotees lived on bryndza, barna and lamb. It was healthy meat. Today we buy frozen meat from abroad. Meat that you raise at home is healthier and more environmentally friendly, as it does not travel thousands of miles and does not pollute the environment, "says the exits of the regional breeders, the owner of the chicken in Pružin Oľga Apoleníková.
Cultural heritage of our ancestors
The main task of the Bačova cesta civic association is to promote all sheep's products - dairy, meat and textile. "We want to offer the public good quality food without preservatives, stabilizers and dyes to keep sheep breeding. At present, there are approximately 360,000 pieces of dung in Slovakia, in the past, between the wars, it was about 1.5 million. The trend is that the states do not currently fall, they are stalled. I believe that this is happening thanks to such events as in the spring of spring, which organized the ceremonial opening of the mountain season, "said chairman of OZ Bačova cesta Ľudovít Urbanovský and added that such events positively affect the consumption of sheep products.
The Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region also cooperates with OZ Bačova cesta. "In this year's budget, we decided to earmark funds for the infotainment. Within the TSK we plan to deploy them a few. They should pay attention to the huts that are in the region, but also to the Bačova cesta project. In TSK there are two huts, ranging in Spring and Agropenzión Grunt in Papradne. We would like to highlight these two chalets and present them to the population, "said the director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská. At the same time, she recalled the premiere of a new two-month period called Trenčín Region, which as a printed periodical from this month brings to the inhabitants the most up-to-date information about the region in Trenčín and the news that is going on (not only) in the field of tourism.
Veronika Rezáková / 08 May 2016 ⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥⇥
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