welcomein Trenčín Region

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from different corners of our region.



light rain

Pilot barrier-free destination

The KOCR website www.trencinregion.sk has served as the main information channel for three years and provides valuable information about the stay in the Trencin region. Annually, this tourist-information portal visits more than 200,000 visitors. The Web portal has expanded this year with eleven audio recordings with facts and interesting facts about the most attractive places in the Trenčín region. There is a record of information about Trenčín Castle, Bojnice Castle, Lednice Castle, Prazsky Castle, Uhrovec and Beckov Castle, Čachtice Castle and Underground, the mound of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Skalke and Váhom or information about the starry sky from Hvězdárna in Partizánske.

Attractive sound recordings are primarily intended to serve disabled people who , due to the handicap, can not get to the sought-after tourist sites and view the exhibited exposures. "We wanted to create a product for disabled and otherwise health-restricted people to find out about interesting information about the most beautiful places in our region," said Eva Fryvaldská , Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region. As she said, the sound recordings were made with minimal financial costs, as KOCR employee Michaela Tišková spoke about the site texts. According to the survey, most of the historical and cultural monuments or other tourist facilities in the Trenčín region are not accessible to disabled people. KOCR Trenčín therefore wants to attract the attention of the public through this activity and encourage tourists to adapt the tours for disabled people. Thanks to the establishment of cooperation with the civic association (OZ) Without barriers , KOCR Trenčín plans to develop systematic steps to remove barriers in tourist sites.

"Every barrier is essentially a lock for the immobile and handicapped, who have no meaningful access key to our sights, cities, cultural houses, sports fields, hotels, but also public spaces, offices, and so on. The Trenčín region is an interesting tourist destination and Slovakia and this region deserve to be seen by disabled visitors from the Czech Republic and other countries. That's why we have to unlock it together, even though the basic barrier is often elsewhere. In the heads of competent people who can change the environment ... Vitaj Trenčiansky kraj ... the first to be unlocked, " said Petr Kučera , Chairman of the Barrierless Barrier - National Platform against Barriers.

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