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Awards for the best in tourism

Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) The Trenčín Region has decided to award the best in tourism. The "TOP OF THE TRAINING OF THE TRAINING REGION" award will be the best accommodation, gastronomic facility, innovation and an outstanding personality of tourism.

" The aim of the award is to motivate tourism establishments to constantly improve quality and support the creation of products that make tourism more attractive. Awarding the award is decided by the professional but also by the general public. With the help of a professional jury, the TOP accommodation in the Trenčín Region will be awarded TOP innovation in tourism and the personality of tourism. The top gastronomic facilities, the best restaurant, the bistro, the café or the bar, will decide the public, " stated the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .


TOP GASTRO equipment will be selected by the general public . The nomination for the awards will start on 8 November 2017 , with the possibility of submitting proposals until December 8, 2017 . Proposals may be sent to the public in several ways, by e-mail to: info@trencinregion.sk , via Facebook fanpage Trenčín region or in writing to: KOCR Trenčín region, K 7282 / 20A, 911 01 Trenčín. The nominations submitted will then be postponed to the next round, a public vote , to be held from 10 December 2017 to 10 January 2018 at www.trencinregion.sk via the on-line form. The name of the winner, or TOP GASTRO equipment, will be known on January 11, 2018 when the system selects the highest score.


Nominations in the categories TOP ACCOMMODATION, TOP INNOVATION AND PERSONNEL OF CR, to be decided by a professional jury, are submitted by Regional Tourism Organizations (OOCR) operating in the territory of the Trenčín Region. OOCR know their region best and therefore can objectively evaluate the quality, level and expertise of individual award winners. A jury composed of 7 members - Vice-Chairman of the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK), Chairman of the Regional Development Committee and CR at the TSK council, 4 representatives of each OOCR and 1 representative of the KOCR Trenčín Region will decide on the winners.


Public opinion is very important when awarding such awards. To participate in nominations or to vote, the public will be motivated by an attractive win. Among those involved in submitting nominations and voting in the TOP GASTRO FIT category will be one winner of the gift voucher for a 2-person Wellness stay for 2 nights at Hotel Panorama **** in Trenčianske Teplice . The gift voucher includes accommodation in the comfort room with a balcony and a buffet breakfast. Unlimited access to the experience pool, fitness center and access to the sauna world for 2 people is possible during the stay. The winner will definitely be happy to enjoy discounts at your own choice and discount at the hotel's à la carte restaurant. Picking from among the voting public will take place after January 11, 2018.

All the awards for TOP in Tourism will be celebrated on 25th January 2018 at the KOCR presentation stand Trenčín Region at the 24th annual ITF SLOVAKIATOUR International Tourism Fair, which will take place in Bratislava.

The general conditions for awarding awards are available below.


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