The Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region is announcing the fifth year of the successful TOP GASTRO 2021 competition, where together with the public it is looking for the best gastronomic facility in the Trenčín region. Throughout November, the public can nominate the best restaurant, bistro, cafe, tea house or bar in the Trenčín region. The winner will then be decided by a vote, which will take place from December 1, 2021 and will last until the end of the year .
"The main goal of the competition is to appreciate quality, imaginativeness or innovation in gastronomy. This year, we would like to support and motivate gastronomic facilities in the not-so-easy period with the public recognition that follows from the award, " said Eva Frývaldská , Executive Director of KOCR. As the establishments are nominated by the public, the most popular places are included in the competition every year. In the last year of the TOP GASTRO 2020 competition, 58 facilities were nominated. The winner with the highest number of votes was the Street Food Kitchen restaurant from Handlová with a total number of 452 votes.
Anyone nominating the facility or voting will be automatically entered into a draw for a full menu gift voucher for 2, which was donated to last year's winner, Street Food Kitchen.
It is possible to nominate the facility by commenting on a post on the KOCR Trenčín region Facebook profile, by a message on the Facebook fanpage or by e-mail to After the collection of nominations is completed, the public will be able to vote for their favorite via the voting form, which will be published on the website
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