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Peasant life: life cycle habits

The Trenčín Museum in Trenčín has made the "Life of a Peasant" exhibition available to the public. The exhibition presents a look at the habits of the life cycle as part of the life of a farmer in the middle Považie.

Birth, marriage and death are among the life milestones that have been accompanied from time immemorial by various elements of traditional folk culture. The spiritual and social needs of man were satisfied by folk customs, ceremonies, rituals, superstitions and customs. According to superstitions, for example, it was possible to influence the sex of the child, so our great-grandparents placed an ax under the bed when they were conceived.

"Ceremonies and customs, as actions intended to affect a person's personal life and activity, already existed in the rural environment in connection with conception. Their diversity can be observed in relation to childbirth and the puerperium, baptism and baptism, marriage, death and burial. The symbolism of the exhibited objects is obvious in some cases (bed for mother, cradle, cross), in others it is linked to superstition ideas (kuvik). The parties point out the brides, the space for a woman after childbirth was separated in a peasant's house in a peasant's house until the First World War " , explains the curator of the exhibition, Martin Malo.

In addition to the exhibits, the exhibited parts of the clothing bearing the typical features of the Trenčín and Podjavorin region and enlarged photographs from the museum's photo archive also testify to the happy but also difficult moments in the life of a farmer in Central Považie.

The exhibition is complemented by texts in which the life story of the farmer Jan from his birth to his journey to the cemetery is remarkably retold in chronological order. The story of Jan and his family reveals mysterious and surprising traditions that were observed in the village near the village near Trenčín.

With this exhibition, the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín presents the diversity of ethnological collections, and at the same time brings closer the life of the peasant family in the past, thus bringing a legacy for younger generations in an effort to preserve the heritage of our ancestors with its unique features and peculiarities.

The exhibition installed on the ground floor of the Barracks building at Trenčín Castle will last until April 25 next year and visitors can visit it during normal opening hours, ie every day from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Source: Trenčín Museum in Trenčín

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