Take advantage of the pleasantly warm September days to get to know the region from the seat of a bicycle. Blue buses with attached bicycle carts will take you closer, faster and less strenuously to the experiences.
Buses with a cart that can safely fit up to 24 bicycles have been running on weekends and holidays for four months. 300 satisfied cyclists already used the opportunity to ride them this year. Cycle buses will run on two verified bus lines until the end of September 2022. Which are they and where will they take you?
Line 302 405: Dubnica nad Váhom – Ilava - Valaská Belá - Nitrianske Rudno
Recreational routes pass through Central Považ, which can be handled by families with children, the environment of the White Carpathians and Strážovské vrchy can surprise even a demanding biker. The cycle bus will bring you closer to the Jelenec lookout, to the Uhliská farm, to the majestic Vršatské brály and to Lednické Rovní. From Trenčianske Teplice, you can drive to the Machnáč pond or the Baske hill. With the cycle bus, you are also closer to the Museum of Cloth, Weaving and Embroidery in Valaská Bela and Mount Temeš, you can connect to cycle route 2308 - Bojnický cycle circuit, don't forget to cool off at Nitrianské Rudno.
Line 309 412: Trenčín - Dubodiel - Bánovce nad Bebravou
Step out of Mníchová Lehota on the most beautiful marked cycling route 043 - the ridge of Považské Inovec, it will also take you to a cottage with a fancy kitchen. For the less fit, we recommend the Trenčianske Jastrabie stop and cycle route 044 - Around Považské Inovec. The village of Dubodiel is crossed by the demanding MTB route 2313, which continues to the Bikepark in Kálnice. At the final stop, you can relax in numerous city cafes.
The Trenčín County in cooperation with SAD Trenčín brings you bicycle buses again this year, you will pay only a symbolic 1 euro for the transport of the bicycle.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations TSK
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