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TOP GASTRO equipment for 2019 has a winner

On November 25, 2019, the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region announced a competition for the best catering facility in the Trenčín region in 2019. Nominations for the competition "TOP GASTRO facility in the Trenčín Region 2019" were sent by the general public until December 6, 2019. the opportunity to vote for the most popular facility offering quality services.

"We are very pleased that the restaurants themselves are starting to get used to the TOP GASTRO competition and they will always show healthy competition. The order changed every moment, so until the last day it was not certain which gastronomic facility would be placed first this year. For us, this means that not only individual operations, but also visitors are beginning to pay great attention to the quality of services provided, which the facilities offer and do not hesitate to express their opinion. Thanks to this, the restaurants also see feedback from customers, which can be a great motivation for them, ” said Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region.

Voting results and award ceremonies

The online voting took place in the period from 10 December 2019 to 31 December 2019 on the website of the announcer of the competition: https://www.trencinregion.sk/52428/3-rocnik-sutaze-top-gastro . A total of 949 voters took part in the competition, who had the opportunity to vote for one of the 46 nominated facilities . The winner with the highest number of votes was the ice cream and café VELICE from Nová Dubnica with 243 votes , the second place belongs to the restaurant Rich Burgers from Nové Mesto nad Váhom with the number of votes 143 and in third place was Remy´s Bistro & Pub from Trenčín with 127 votes.

Nominations for the competition for the best gastronomic facility in the region were sent to the public via e-mail, facebook fan page or regular mail. All those who participated in the nomination and online voting were included in the draw for a stay for 2 people for 1 night in the Treehouse Apartments in Trenčianske Teplice with a discounted entrance to the Green Frog Spa. Mrs. Beáta Lipanová became the winner of the stay. The winner of the TOP GASTRO facility of the Trenčín Region for 2019 will receive the award at the ITF Slovakiatour International Tourism Fair on Thursday, January 23, 2020 in Bratislava . Along with the award for the best catering facility, the awards for 2019 for TOP accommodation facility, TOP innovation in tourism, tourism personality, TOP tourist product and facilities accessible to the severely disabled of the Trenčín Region will be solemnly announced and handed over, decided by an expert commission composed from representatives of regional tourism organizations.


Trenčín, 7.1.2020

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