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Easter menu in the Pod hradom Restaurant

18. 04. 2019 - 28. 04. 2019

Date nad time

Thursday 18. April 2019 -
Sunday 28. April 2019, every day


Hotel Pod hradom
Matúšova ul. 12/68
911 01 Trenčín

Veľkonočné menu v Reštaurácii Pod hradom
Veľkonočné menu v Reštaurácii Pod hradom

Easter menu in the Pod hradom Restaurant

Easter is a holiday carried in the spirit of rich and tasty cuisine.

They do not forget about it in the Restaurant Pod hradom in Trenčín and therefore they have prepared a unique offer for their visitors. The Easter menu in the form of a tasting menu can be enjoyed by lovers of festive dishes from 18 April to 28 April 2019 from 11:00 to 22:00.

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Address Matúšova ul. 12/68
911 01 Trenčín


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