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Fascinating Living Sculptures at Bojnice Castle

The Slovak National Museum - Bojnice Museum and the Slovak National Museum - Spiš Museum bring visitors to Bojnice Castle a unique scenic experience in the form of a program called Living Sculptures.

The eye-catching program presents stories and legends that relate to the history of Spiš Castle through six sculptures. Viewers will be able to get to know the stories of the Tatar princess Šad, the beautiful Hedviga or the poor Dorka in an untraditional way in the premises of Bojnice Castle.

The performances will take place on Friday 1 July and Saturday 2 July 2022 in the Huňady Hall of Bojnice Castle.

The museum will thus launch a rich series of summer evening programs. During July and August, visitors to Bojnice Castle can look forward to evening tours of the courtyard, night tours of the castle, staged tours and theater performances.

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