welcomein Trenčín Region

Discover all hidden treasures
from different corners of our region.



heavy rain

On average, tourists spent the most nights in the Trenčín Region

Trenciansk region is a popular destination among domestic and foreign tourists. In the first half of 2018, the Trenčín region visited 173,588 visitors , which is almost 1000 people more than in the same period last year. The whole region of Slovakia can attract the largest number of visitors to Bratislava Region. In the first half of 2018, it was visited by 663,564, but the traffic dropped by 299 compared to 2017. In the ranking of the first half of the year 2018, Nitra is the least visited region of Slovakia with 146,854 visitors. Trenčiansky region holds a stable fifth place among all Slovak regions in terms of the number of visitors and the number of overnight stays. "Our region boasts an average number of overnight stays, so our tourists have spent up to 3.7 days on average, which is the highest of all Slovakia. We were delighted that Trenčiansky region had the highest growth rate of overnight stays for foreign visitors in the whole Slovak Republic in the first half of the year, up to 17.5%, " said Juraj Gerlici, head of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) in Trencin.

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