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The new Exposition of the Vlastivedný Museum reveals the life of the ancestors in the Marikovská valley

In July, the patriotic museum in Považská Bystrica, in the founding area of ​​the Trenčín Self-governing Region, opened a permanent exhibition of traditional living in Marikova. The museum responded to the demand of tourists and installed a variety of collections in the open-air museum at the local amphitheater to showcase the traditional living of Marikian ancestors.

Marikovská Valley is one of the most extensive valleys in Slovakia. It is a mountainous border region that has long been uninhabited. The change occurred only during the so-called Valasian colonization.

The original dwellings of Marik ancestors were very small and characterized by simplicity of execution. Materials used stone, wood and clay. The bells were modestly modest, but in the middle of beautiful nature they were really picturesque. In the shield side of the house were usually two oblongs, in the longitudinal front door. "Ornamental points were painted around the windows and doors until the middle of the 20th century with ornamental points to protect the abode from the evil forces. For the purpose of protection, religious objects, such as coins, sacred text or sanctified herbs, were given to the foundations of wood, " said Petronela Rágulová , director of the Považská Bystrica Petroleum Museum .

An open-air museum, which is a demonstration of traditional housing in the past, consists of three main parts - a room, a pittor and a chamber. In the room you will find a kitchen with period furniture and accessories, an old bed with pillows hanging over a cedar or a dressed Marik costume. The center of living in the room was an oven and a table. In the past, he was a respected place kept in cleanliness and order. In the space opposite the market is the so-called A holy corner consisting of several holy images. Work items that were part of everyday life and used to milk milk, grain milling, stitching, or washing with pistons and a rump are part of an exhibition in the pit. The chamber consists of two grain trays and a chest for clothing.

During the 20th century there was a gradual disappearance of traditional housing. The social changes were so massive that the kicks began to be diluted and the woods remained only the torso of the peculiar folk architecture.

The project "Exposure of Traditional Housing in Marikova" was realized by the Vlastivedné Museum in Považská Bystrica in cooperation with the village Horná Mariková. The Fund for the Promotion of Art and the Trenčín Self-Governing Region financially contributed to the project from public sources. Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška supported the newly-created project personally during the 25th annual Marik folklore festival.

The exposition will be made available to visitors upon request, after prior agreement with the General Office in Horni Marikova. For more information, call 042/435 21 82.

Source: Odd. Communication and international relations of TSK, www.tsk.sk

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