The weighing cycle route, which will form the basic skeleton of bicycle communications in the region, acquires real dimensions. On the ground of the Office of the Trencin Autonomous Region, today signed a contract for the construction of its first section, leading from the border with the Trnava Self-governing Region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom, with a total length of 13.4 km.
Work on the construction of the first stretch of the cycle path that will lead from Horná Streda to the Nové Město nad Váhom can begin. Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška signed a contract for its construction with a building contractor, which became STRABAG, sro "Today for the first time in the history of Trenčianske samosprávneho kraja we were able to sign the implementation contract for the first section of the weighing cycle route 13.4 km in the value of almost 3.7 Mile, euros. This section will be financed exclusively from the budget of TSK, " Jaroslav Baska, the Trencian bathrobe , informed that the construction of the section will start already these days.
The company STRABAG, sro will ensure the complete realization of the construction from signing the contract. "We have been prepared to make the offer, we have communicated with the designer, we have already had the first working meeting with representatives of TSK and the construction office. After the signing of the contract, we immediately start to design the building and underground networks, " said STRABAG, sro manager, Branislav Lukáč.
In fact, the first section of the bikers could try their own skin in November this year , as it would take about 112 days to build.
Another of the eight stretches of the weighing cycle route on which the lawful territorial decision has already been issued is Púchov - Nosická priehrada. In the smooth running of the competition on the contractor, this section should be the second in the order that will be built. By the end of the year, the sections of Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Trenčín and Považská Bystrica - the border with Žilina self-governing region, should also be added to the sections with a valid territorial decision. In the construction of other sections, the Trenčín Self-Governing Region wants to use the possibility of financing from the Integrated Regional Operational Program.
The weighing cycling track, which will be about 100 km long, will connect the Trenčiansky, Trnava and Žilinský regions. The 34 cadastres of towns and municipalities in the territory of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj should be interrupted. The bulk of the weighbridge will lead along the protective dams of the old Vah river bed and create adequate conditions for safe cycling. At the same time it will expand the possibilities of spending free time on two wheels. In addition, the Sage Cycle Route should also be an adequate alternative to transport to work, just on a bicycle.
Source: LK, Odd. Communication and international relations of TSK,
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