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Stratsy has a winner

Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) The Trenčín region evaluated its summer geocaching game called STURIZMUS. An entertaining game designed to support domestic tourism started at the same time with the summer holidays on July 1, 2016 at Uhrovec Castle.


" We have announced a competition for families with children and young people to encourage them to visit the castles, castles and castle ruins in the Trenčín region. The project combined the tourism and the legacy of a prominent personality of Slovakia, a passionate traveler and a native of the village of Uhrovec - Ľudovít Štúr ", the chairman of the KOCR Trenčín region drew near the region of Juraj Gerlici .


11 boxes of the Trenčín Region were hidden with a link, a snippet from the travel book Ľudovít Štúr "The Journey After the Devil". The success of the competition, thanks to the visit of all the castles, came to a quote in which the native native describes the beauty of his homeland: " On the spread horizon along both shores of the Váhh, turning off the castles and clouds covered by the tops of Tatier, deeply touched the soul of my man coming from far away . The hidden box had the exact GPS coordinates that their castle visitors were looking for. The condition for placing in the competition was to send the quoted quote, together with the so- "Selfie" from every visited castle.


Of the competitors who have successfully fulfilled the conditions, the executive director of the KOCR Trenčín Region requested the winner - the Ševčíkovská family from Trenčianska Teplej. "As a child with old parents, I went to Slovak castles, castles and ruins. Even though old parents no longer live, they are the experiences I remember to this day and remind me of these childhood moments. Nowadays, it's hard to motivate kids and your competition was a great idea. The kids enjoyed watching the whole week and the next castle we go over the weekend. Of course, the way up, especially when the castle was somewhere in the woods on a hill, did not come to light without flinching, but the search for indices has compensated for all the hardships of tourism, " Ms Ševčíková said . The Ševčíkov family, thanks to the main prize of the STURIZMUS competition, which is renting an electric car for the entire weekend , can enjoy the further recognition of the Trenčín region.


All project managers from the KOCR Trenčín Region were interested and willing to participate in all the castle managers in the Trenčín Region, who actively participated in the competition. From storing mailboxes, checking them continuously to helping visitors find treasure. Interest in the competition was confirmed by the manager of Čachtický castle Marian Imriška . " We have also been interested in this competition at our castle. Some people have asked, especially families with children have come to the castle to find a link. "

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