Although the HoryZonty festival in Trenčín has a cinematic attribute, visitors can also look forward to a collection of photos capturing the beauty of nature and breathtaking moments from outdoor activities every year. The authors of the images are mostly non-professional photographers who can capture extraordinary moments at the right moment and send their photos to the competition.
The closing date of the photo contest is approaching
"Life must be lived to the fullest," says Zuzana Jargašová, a member of the festival's organizing team, who is also a member of the jury, about the choice of the competition's theme. "Everyone lives their life in their own way and for everyone "full" means something different. For some, it can also be the peace and charm of the beauty of static nature. It doesn't even have to be in far away countries, but somewhere where a person is simply enchanted. Quietly behind the house on a hill. You have to enjoy every moment, that's why we look forward to all the shots," explains the main coordinator of the photo contest, who is a great lover of mountains and outdoor adventures. The theme of the 17th edition of the photo contest called "To the Full" is a challenge that interested parties can participate in until October 23. Until this date, photos can be uploaded directly to the website or sent to the e-mail address of the festival with the completed application form. The best images will be presented on the event's website and exhibited throughout its duration. From the forty most interesting photos, a three-member jury will select and award the four best.
The heroes' journey in photos
Another of the exhibitions will be a presentation of images captured on the Cesta hrdinov SNP. The organizers believe that it will not only make the time spent at the festival more pleasant for the visitors, but also offer inspiration for completing this 770 kilometer long route. "You will also be able to follow the red sign in the Crew Club in Trenčín during the entire festival. No, you don't have to travel nearly 800 km for an adventure. Just a few meters and the sign will lead you to a smaller exhibition with stories and photos of people who have completed their SNP Heroes' Journey. Cheerful stories, stories about obstacles on the way, personal losses and psychological strengthening will await you. The photos will reveal the beauty of Slovakia, but at the same time they will also give you a glimpse into the everyday improvisation of an ordinary "SNPéčkar", which creates a lot of funny moments," says Stanislava Farkasová, organizer of the exhibition.
After the red mark in the film
The attractiveness of the most famous long-distance tourist route is also evidenced by the annual interest of filmmakers. This year, the film heroes of the SNP Journey will be members of a family with three small children in the film "After Red Home", while the audience will be able to watch the film about their unconventional two-month journey on the very first evening of the festival. An athlete in extreme life roles, Soňa Kopčoková, mother of three adopted children, world and European champion in fitness and record holder on long distances throughout Slovakia, provided another exceptional performance on the SNP route. She ran the Heroes' Journey in the Slovakian women's record in eleven days and 15 and a half hours, while she ran alone from Dukla to Devín. In addition to the film from the workshop of Slovak director Viliam Bendík "Alone on the Road", the organizers will also offer viewers a discussion with its creator and main protagonist.
The HoryZonty adventure film festival will be held from November 10 to 12, 2022 at the Crew Club in Trenčín. Along with the projection of thirty films, visitors can look forward to several accompanying events.
For more information: Stanislava Farkasová, PR manager of the HoryZonty festival,, +421 917 586 412
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