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The county will help tourists and cyclists this year as well

This year, Trenčín County plans to renew the markings on a total of 12 cycle routes with a length of almost 170 km. The longest cycling section will be the almost 49 km long section Kálnica - Kulháň around Považský Inovec.

New cycling signs will be added near the last resting place of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, on two sections. Both lead from Brezová pod Bradlom to Bradlo, the first to the MR Štefánik mound, the second to the village of Priepasné. The county also wants to restore the markings on a 19 km long regional cycling route known as Žiarska radiála. It leads along groomed forest roads out of reach of vehicles in the region of Upper Nitra and connects Prievidza with the saddle of the Four Chotares. "We will install new cycle directions on legally marked cycle routes, and missing, damaged elements of cycling orientation will be added. The renovation will also affect the painted markings, " said Dušan Holboj, the county cycling coordinator.

The almost 20-kilometer Javornícká cycle route and seven other sections of cycle routes will be re-marked: Chata pod Inovcom - Dubodiel (16.6 km), Bohunice - Krivoklát - Bolešov (19.7 km), Veľká Javorina - Podkozince - Topolecká (19 km) , Pruské - Vršatské Podhradie - Červený Kameň (10,8 km), Turn to Vršatec Castle (0,7 km), Spojka pri izbe (0,7 km), Papajské sedlo - Lazy pod Makytou (2,9 km).

Together with the cycling section of the county, it also renews markings on hiking trails every year. It started five years ago and since then, thanks to the cooperation with the Slovak Cycling Club and the Slovak Tourist Club, it has been possible to renew the markings in the region on approximately 1,760 km of cycling and hiking trails. "We can allocate 20,000 euros a year from the budget to the renewal of bicycle and tourist signs. In this way, we want to make even less important routes more attractive and at the same time make it easier for cyclists and hikers to orient themselves in the terrain, "said Jaroslav Baška, the mayor of Trenčín.

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