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Vote in the "Winter We Thunder" Photo Competition and Win!

Throughout the month, from January 22, 2019 to February 22, 2019, the public has the opportunity to take part in the vote on the most beautiful winter-themed photo in the "Winter We Thunder" competition. Choose from 15 photos selectively chosen by a jury from the total of 96 submitted photos.

Support the vote of your favorite, which you think deserve most! 3 photographers with the highest number of votes will be awarded. The main prize in the competition is the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 together with a 20-piece film to the camera that takes your photos to a standstill. The winner in second place gets a voucher for a romantic dinner for two people in the luxurious Lavante Sky restaurant in Dubnica nad Váhom   and the third winner can look forward to welcoming the world of wellness for 2 people for two hours from the spa Zelená Žaba in Trenčianske Teplice . However, three voters will also have the pleasure to take home with valuable prizes.

Every voter can only compete in the competition once, by sending one voice throughout the competition. Winners will be announced and published on Monday, February 25, 2019.

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