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heavy rain

GMAB in Trenčín has expanded Bazovský's permanent exhibition with a Cabinet of Drawings

Not only the two main spaces of the Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery (GMAB) exhibition in Trenčín underwent a change, but some of Bazovský's original drawings were also re-framed.

The drawing cabinet was painted with a shade of gray for better visual attractiveness and simple linearity of Bazovský's drawings. The first 20 works in the medium of drawing in a regular grid of 4 x 5 squares were installed in the smallest space of the county gallery. "In terms of simple stylization and clear handwriting in the drawing, the same size and simpler frames were created using natural wood material, with the adjustment of drawings in size-adapted mounts and protected by anti-reflective glass," said the gallery director, adding that GMAB plans to gradually add more space. Bazovsky's works.

Information and photos were provided by Barbora Petríková, director of the Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín.

Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK

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