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Trenčín Castle closer to acquiring the mark of European cultural heritage

On Thursday, October 15, 2020, a memorandum of cooperation was signed in the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín between the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín (administrator of the "Trenčín Castle" historical monument) and the TREUM Civic Association. The director of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín, Peter Martinisko, and the president of the TRENČÍN Civic Association, EUROPEAN CITY Janka Fabová, sealed the memorandum of cooperation with their signatures.

The aim of the joint memorandum is to register Trenčín Castle as a place of European cultural heritage as a transnational monument within the project "Cities of Peace".

"As early as 1335, a significant peace treaty was signed at Trenčín Castle, known as the Trenčín Treaty between the Czech, Polish and Hungarian kings - a kind of predecessor of the Visegrad Treaty, which ensured political stability in Central Europe for a long time ," said Deputy Director of the Trenčín Museum Tomáš Michalík . This agreement is an added value of the visibility of Trenčín Castle at the European level.

The task of OZ TREUM is to ensure the processing and submission of the application of Trenčín Castle in the transnational application "Cities of Peace" within the European Heritage Label (EHL) in the category of "transnational locality", in the position of cooperating organization of Trenčín Castle, as well as processing relevant documents related to this site and the elaboration and participation in the implementation of the plan of activities related to the EHL brand in the period of 4 years after the eventual award of this brand, including participation in cultural activities, presentation and access to the site TREUM will carry out its activities in close cooperation with Trenčín museum in Trenčín.

In the event that Trenčín Castle receives the EHL brand, it will also receive benefits such as visibility of the site within Europe, cooperation within the pan-European network of EHL activities, the opportunity to participate in EU programs promoting the European Heritage brand, exchange of experience and greater opportunities in funding. EU funds.

source: Ing. Radovana Keliarová, Marketing and Communication Department, Trenčín Museum in Trenčín

photo: Tomáš Hudek

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