The extraordinary project, Spa in the Region , has been connecting the regions of the Trenčín Region for the 10th year and gives residents the opportunity to indulge in the effects of our unique thermal healing water on their own bodies at extremely favorable prices - half the price, without the need to spend several days at our spa.
Residents of partner towns/municipalities have the opportunity to enjoy a thermal healing relaxing bath with a dry wrap in our indoor pools in the winter period, from 1/12/2022 to 28/2/2023, and thus do something for their health. Our thermal water is unique among healing waters with extraordinary effects on the musculoskeletal system. Citizens can purchase the spa daily at the procedure sales office located right in the center of Kúpeľné námestie.
This project already has its own tradition and is undeniably very attractive, as evidenced by the increasing number of visitors every year. As in previous years, the project enjoys special public interest. In this way, healthy relaxation can also be enjoyed by residents who do not normally come to us as spa clients. Even during the complicated covid period, medicinal spas enjoyed great interest.
The project itself was awarded as the Top tourist product of 2018 .
This year's, jubilee, tenth year has attracted thousands of clients over the past 9 years of its existence, to whom we have provided more than 85,000 healing baths in our pools.
89 municipalities and cities with which we have signed a cooperation agreement have participated in the 10th year of the project, and the interest in cooperation continues. Residents of partner cities and municipalities can easily claim the discount when booking a spa on presentation of an ID card. Cities and municipalities inform their citizens about the project, and Spas publish an up-to-date list of involved partners on their website.
We are extremely pleased with this interest, and we believe that a record number of interested people will visit us this year as well, and everyone will enjoy the "true relaxation in the True Spa".
Source: Marketing department, Spa Trenčianske Teplice
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