


Ďurošík or Na zbojnice nôtu

22. 04. 2018

16:00 - 17:00

Date nad time

Sunday 22. April 2018
16:00 - 17:00


Kultúrne centrum
914 41 Nemšová

Ďurošík alebo Na zbojnícku nôtu
Ďurošík alebo Na zbojnícku nôtu

Ďurošík or Na zbojnice nôtu

We invite you to a fairytale theater performance.

Take an adventurous journey for a fateful destiny and enter the world of enchanting beings, brave wardens, a good people, or scoundrels. The story takes place during the Holy Night, when the long-awaited outlaw, Ďurko, comes to the world. Expected not only the whole village, which has to be liberated under the government of an unsuspecting geographer, but his birth can not wait for the landlord himself. A good-natured shout Hedvig, accompanying Durk on the road, reveals the power of nature. With his humor, he makes a few smiles on his lips, but also points to the importance of justice and love. With love for Durk, many hearts, but his, will only get one. The blending of puppets with dramatic acting in the context of folk theater as well as scenic performances and costumes create the fiction of the world of magic beings. The musical and dance outputs in the staging complete the illusion and support the theme of love and justice. And just like every fairytale, even in this one, we win over good. You can find more information about the event on the attached poster.

Tickets sale: MsÚ Nemšová, Ticketportal

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Address Kultúrne centrum
914 41 Nemšová


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