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The Trenčianska Vrchárska koruna project will be carried by 20 mountains and valleys worth seeing

Since the drop in the saddle of the bicycle today almost half of cyclists did not discourage the cold and rainy weather. On Sunday afternoon, they met with the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) to officially launch the Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska project. It originated in a similar project of our western neighbors named Wallachian Wallachian Crown. On Slovakia his modification was brought by a trio of enthusiasts Radoslav Tilandy, Michal Barták and Pavol Babica, associated under the head of OZ Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska.

The organizers of the project were supported by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region, Kálnica Bike Park and OC Laugaricio. The partner of the project was the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, which supported the Vrchársky korun Trenčianska from its subsidy system also financially. The project of all cyclists, hikers and runners from 10 April to November 2016 will bring 20 touristically attractive summits to the region. Anyone involved in the project should visit twenty selected sites, sign up for a project site, and post their photo from the site. Resolving athletes will be visiting, among other things, Peaks Inovec, Veľká Javorina, Vršatec, Baske, Čachtice, Tematín or Bradlo. Twenty peaks by voting on the facebook fanpage of Vrcharská koruny Trenčianska chose the public with the label "I Like It" among 50 selected sites. The criterion was total availability, the top character of the place and also a favorable environment for families with children.

"The first idea was to do a project, not a race to get people hiking, especially on a bicycle, but it is possible to walk and run, without any start-up. It's not just about going to the pedals. It is also about encouraging tourism to make our people familiar with our customs and to use the services of great restaurant and accommodation facilities, "one of the main organizers Radoslav Tilandy drew close to the project.

The project started today with the first phase

Approximately 16 km long route leading to the TSK office to the small town of Jelenec, today the cyclists have completed the first phase of the project. Although the weather has improved every kilometer, pedaling has made it difficult to climb. Two-wheel fans today went through a part of the dykes in the city of Trenčín, continuing through Zamárovce, Skalka nad Váhom and Dolná Súča. From here through the mountain terrain, they recirculated up to the view on the little Maly Jelenec hill, only a few meters from the goal of the Gazdovstv Uhliska.

Among the cyclists, Jaroslav Baška, with the Vice-President Richard Takac and other county officials, appeared in the jersey of the Trenčín County. "This is a very nice project because it is also designed for families with children. They will come to one of the top 20 hills in the Trenčín region and they can recognize the beauty and appeal of our nature because they are really many. In this way, we can show that our region is really nice and even cyclists have something to know about it, "he said after taking the first round of the Baska bathrobes, which plans to visit the remaining 19 highlights.

The project attracted both teenagers and seniors

In the saddle of their two-wheelers today, cyclists spent less than two hours. The youngest participant in the cyclopeloton was barely twelve years old, the oldest one over the age of 72. The participants also found one pedestrian participant who managed the stage from Trenčín to Trenčianska Závade at about the same time as her cycling fellow, but on another route.

Get involved

The project can involve the general public by individually targeting designated sites. "The completion of the project is scheduled for December this year at the premises of the TSK. The evaluation will be coupled with the festive prize-giving to athletes who topple all 20 peaks. The TSK and KOCR Trenčín region is paying the price for the project, "the director of KOCR Trenčín told Eva Frývaldská.

Besides the support of the Trenčianska Vrchárska koruna project, TSK supports the development of cycling and cycling in the region and other activities. He is a partner of the Slovak Cycloclub and the Slovak Tourist Club, with whom he cooperates and financially supports their activities on the basis of a jointly signed memorandum. At the same time, he is actively working on the largest county project at all; Project of 100 km long weighing cycling logs. TSK and its employees are also involved every year in the Bicycle Project and thus contribute to reducing emissions and a healthier environment in the region. TSK also supports the Green County project, which aims to promote electromobility, emission reduction and a healthier environment in the region in general.


KOCR / April 12, 2016

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