31. 12. 2021 - 01. 01. 2022
Date nad time
Friday 31. December 2021 -
Saturday 01. January 2022
in Friday, Saturday
Historic hotel ELIZABETH
Ul. gen. M. R. Štefánika 2
911 01 Trenčín
Say goodbye to the old year and celebrate the arrival of the new year magnificently. The historic premises of the Elizabeth Hotel are an ideal place to spend your last day in 2021 and to welcome your first day in 2022.
Excellent gastronomy, music program and entertainment until the morning. New Year's Eve at the Elizabeth Hotel is unique. Come and have a drink on the successful New Year 2022. What commitment will you make? The New Year's Eve party starts on 31.12.2021 at 19.00. Admission includes a welcome drink, New Year's Eve 3-course menu, midnight buffet, coffee, 0.5 l of wine / person, New Year's toast and raffle. DJ Bircoff will take care of the dance entertainment.
Advance ticket sales: KIC Trenčín and the reception of Hotel Elizabeth.
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Ul. gen. M. R. Štefánika 2
911 01 Trenčín