On the newly built section of the Vážská cycle route between Trenčín and Nový Mesto nad Váhom, you may also learn what you did not know yet. Thanks to the info panels, you will not only get to know the beauties of the Trenčín region, but you will also get important information about the principles of behavior on the cycle route.
There is a board on each panel, which offers the cycling public general information about the Vážská cycle route and at the same time describes more precisely the character of a specific section. The other side is dedicated mainly to castles and monuments near the bike path. "On one of the boards, with content from the workshop of the regional tourism organization Trenčín region, cyclists will find an outline map with marked attractions of the Trenčín self-governing region. In addition, the four boards were enriched with popular scientific knowledge about the positive impact of bicycle transport on air protection, " said Katarína Holá from the TSK Regional Development Department.
Due to its nature, the project contributes to the support of safe and ecological transport. The construction of this section was supported by the Integrated Regional Operational Program.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK
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