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The Mohyla will show its ancient form

On the road passing through the village of Očkov there is a rare Slovak unique. The bronze monk is one of the most significant discoveries of our archaeologists.

After years of destruction, it should be re-shaped, just as it did in ancient times. The mound was the grave of a great grandmother buried there in the 12th century BC. They uncovered it in the 1950s, along with the ash burial site of the Roman period. Nowadays, it belongs to its vast area among interesting stops for the enthusiasts of history. In addition to the shelter itself, there are other monuments - remnants of the renaissance mansion of the Očkajov family, bunkers from the Second World War and the old brick house. Even they are part of a project that could make this place a sought-after tourist attraction. This was prepared by the municipality, in cooperation with the civic association, Tematín Castle, which has been assisting in the area care for several years.

" The project is focused mainly on the restoration of individual objects, ie their accessibility and presentation. The entire site should serve both the general public and the home residents, " said Mojmír Choma of the Tematín Castle Association, which is expected to cost 30,000 euros, the work should last for about two years, and are currently waiting for a ministry call culture.

The mound itself should look like it was when the chieftain buried it. Today this precious monument protects the glass pane. They should disappear and a dome to grow inside them. Additionally, the whole area plans to adjust according to the latest standards, it will include barrier-free walkways and, for example, a hostel for manager or brigadier.

text: bass

photo: Martin Hlauka (Pescan)

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