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slightly cloudy

Trenčín Castle will be more beautiful and accessible

The former seat of Matúš Čák is currently undergoing reconstruction from two sides.

From the square of the regional town, people can watch the transformation of the administrative building, popularly called the Greenhouse. If you want to see the news in the process of further reconstruction, you must go to the city forest park Brezina. The southern fortification will open another entrance to the castle in a year, directly from Čerešňová sady.

The new face of the administrative building should make the first minutes at Trenčín Castle more pleasant for visitors. They will be welcomed by a representative and attractive entrance with new cash registers, a café and sanitary facilities. Reconstruction of the so-called The greenhouse was delayed mainly due to bad weather, but also a change of project. In the renovated building, tourists will find an information center or a souvenir shop. The basement will have practical use with facilities for employees of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín. The reconstruction of the administrative building at Trenčín Castle is fully covered from the TSK budget in the amount of approximately EUR 520,000 with VAT.

Simultaneously with the Greenhouse, the first works on the southern fortifications of the castle began. As part of the project, in addition to a new access road, a completely new entrance to the castle will be built directly through the Mill Tower. Visitors will also have access to the hitherto inaccessible areas of the castle complex.

TrebuCHET, a joint project of the Trenčín County, the regional city of Trenčín and the Czech city of Bučovice, is financed from European Union resources in the amount of almost 3 million euros. 1.45 mil. Is intended for TSK. EUR, of which 1.38 mil. are funds from European funds, the rest is co-financed by the county. By the way, this project received the highest score among all submitted projects within the Interreg VA SR-CR 2014-2020 cooperation program. If the work goes on schedule, it should be ready by the end of this year.

photo: Marián Kališ

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